英语单词 borough 与 burg 、 burgh 同源。西方好多城市都以 burg 或 burgh 结尾,如汉堡( Hamburg )、爱丁堡( Edinburgh )、匹兹堡( Pittsburgh )。 burg 或 burgh 就是“城镇”的意思,不过和 city 或 town 不同, burg 或 burgh 指的是带碉堡的城市,也就是说,它们在成为城市之前其实就是一座要塞或一座城堡。 borough 在英语中表示“自治市”。“带碉堡的城市”与“自治市”有何关联呢?原来,自治市的自治权是打仗打下来的,所以这些城市自然要修筑碉堡来保卫自己。在欧洲封建时期,城镇的主权原本都是属于封建贵族即所谓“领主”( Lord )的,是他的封地的一部分。后来,随着工商业的发展,城镇越来越繁荣,市民的经济地位提高了,对封建贵族对城镇的压榨越来越不满。所以市民们想方设法争取城市自治。刚开始时,市民们用钱从领主那里一项一项地赎回城市的各种权利,因为那个时候市民们通过经商积累了大量货币,而领主的收入主要是封地上的各种农产品,所以缺乏货币。在11、12世纪又赶上了十字军东征运动,大批领主要参加十字军,亟需便于携带的金银货币充当盘缠,所以就把很多权利都卖给市民了。但钱不能买到所有权利,所以领主和市民免不了要开战,城市的自治权就是通过赎买和战争的方式获得了。因此自治市中常常修筑了各种防御工事,用来保卫城市的主权。borough:['b?r?] n. 自治市,区
A borough is a town that has its own government. It also can be a part of a big city that has powers of self-government. Manhattan is just one of the five boroughs that make up New York City.
When a borough is part of a big city, it represents a more formal division than just a neighborhood. It’s a separate town, often one that has its own government. When you move from one borough to another, you might notice different tax rates or different parking regulations. In England the word often refers to a town that has a representative in Parliament. Pronounce the second syllable in borough with a long “o” sound, like the donkey (burro).