• adv. 完成地;至上地
    • adverb(副词)
      1. 完美无缺地;圆满地


    1. 完美无缺地;圆满地

      I think she handled it consummately.


      The play is impressively directed and consummately acted.


      He was a demanding boss, consummately fair, a model leader.



    Consummate means complete, finished, or masterful. If you refer to someone as a consummate chef, then you are saying he is the ultimate chef. If you say someone is a consummate jerk, then you are saying he is the ultimate jerk.

    Consummate can be used to describe something good or bad: consummate joy, a consummate liar. To consummate means to bring something to completion, but it often refers specifically to making a marriage complete by having sexual relations. The adjective is pronounced K?N-s?-mit, but the verb is pronounced K?N-s?-māt.