  • v. 刺激;激励
    • verb(动词)
      1. 刺激,激励


    1. 刺激,激励

      We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.



    To incentivize is to provide a reward or motivation for some action. Your teacher might incentivize the class by offering jelly beans to everyone who aces the next math quiz.

    Incentivize was first used in around 1970 as business jargon, and some still consider it to be annoying corporate lingo. It’s a legitimate word, though, made into a verb by adding -ize to incentive, which means “something that motivates or encourages.” You might incentivize your dog to sit by giving her a treat every time she does it, or incentivize your brother to do your chores by offering him half your allowance as payment.