Use the adjective ablaze to describe something that's on fire. Once your campfire is ablaze, you can toast marshmallows over it.
If there's a terrible fire in your town, it might set many houses ablaze, and some people dispose of fallen leaves and branches by setting them ablaze in the yard. The word dates from the 14th century, and it combines the prefix a-, which here means “on,” and blaze, or “flame,” from the Old English bl?se, “torch, flame, firebrand, or lamp.”
stimulated / inspired / perfervid / excited / animated / ardent / impassioned / fervent / intensely / aroused / enlivened / fervid / desirous / enthusiastic / intense / passionate / exhilarated / frenzied / eager
heated / wroth / galled / nettled / raving / furious / riled / up / vehement / piqued / very / flared / chafed / raging / incensed / wrathful / angry / enraged / irritated / offended / irate / infuriated / infuriate / fuming / ranting / vexed / worked
blazing / burning / fire / by / flaming / flames / afire / ignited / fiery / flaring / aflame / consumed / on
illuminated / glaring / flickering / fluttering / radiant / aglow / glowing / luminous / sparkling / twinkling / glittering / shimmering / brightly / flashing / lit / incandescent / gleaming / lighted / alight / brilliant