英['keɪbə(r)]美['keɪbər] n. (苏格兰抛杆赛中使用的)长木棒 中文 双解 英英 词法 noun(名词) (苏格兰传统比赛中比试力气的)长木杆,木柱 noun(名词) a long, heavy wooden pole that is thrown as a test of strength in traditional sports competitions in Scotland(苏格兰传统比赛中比试力气的)长木杆,木柱 n.a heavy wooden pole (such as the trunk of a young fir) tossed as a test of strength (in the Highlands of northern Scotland) 词态 复数:cabers; 语态 双解例句 noun(名词) (苏格兰传统比赛中比试力气的)长木杆,木柱tossing (= throwing) the caber 投掷木杆 实用短语caber sauvignon赤霞珠,苏维翁,嘉本纳沙威浓caber franc品丽珠caber toss抛杆赛caber gernischt蛇龙珠peter caber以及盖伯尔ruby caber宝石解百纳,珠宝解百纳caber gernischet蛇龙珠raymond m caber标签caber-tossing掷棒运动