英['kræklɪŋ]美['kræklɪŋ] n. 脆皮;猪油渣;劈啪声 中文 双解 英英 词法 noun(名词)[ plural ] (烤猪肉的)脆皮 尖锐急促的声音;噼啪作响的声音 noun(名词)[ plural ] the crisp skin of cooked pork (= meat from a pig)(烤猪肉的)脆皮 short, dry, sharp sounds made by something尖锐急促的声音;噼啪作响的声音 n.the residue that remains after animal fat has been rendered同义词:greavesthe sharp sound of snapping noises同义词:crackle / crepitation 词态 语态 双解例句 noun(名词)[ plural ] (烤猪肉的)脆皮 尖锐急促的声音;噼啪作响的声音We could hear the crackling of a fire. 我们能听到炉火中噼噼啪啪的声音。 实用短语crackling rale细捻发音,翻译coyote and crackling campfire山狗与营火crackling receiving tank油渣槽crackling jaw弹响颌,翻译crackling club爆裂棍crackling peony爆裂牡丹类crackling expeller油渣螺旋压榨机crackling crossette爆裂拉手类crackling arc响弧 同根词词根:crackadj.crack最好的;高明的n.crack裂缝;声变;噼啪声crackle裂纹;龟裂;爆裂声vi.crack破裂;爆裂crackle发劈啪声,发出细碎的爆裂声;表面形成碎裂花纹vt.crack使破裂;打开;变声crackle使发爆裂声;使产生碎裂花纹