英[dɪ'spætʃ]美[dɪ'spætʃ] vt. 派遣;迅速处理 n. 运送;派遣;急件 =dispatch(美) 中文 双解 英英 词法 noun(名词) (同dispatch) noun(名词) dispatch (同dispatch) n.an official report (usually sent in haste)同义词:dispatch / communiquethe property of being prompt and efficient同义词:dispatch / expedition / expeditiousnesskilling a person or animal同义词:dispatchthe act of sending off something同义词:dispatch / shipmentv.send away towards a designated goal同义词:dispatch / send off 词态 语态 双解例句 noun(名词) (同dispatch) 实用短语despatch moneydespatch order发运单,运出去单,送货通知,钨制品发运单despatch advice发运通知,运出去报信,发运告诉,发运报信despatch note邮递包裹投递单,包裹发递单,包裹附单,邮递包裹送达单ready for despatch advice待运通知,待运报信,待运告诉,待运关照special despatch专电despatch or despatch money速遣费,快遣省desp despatch money速遣费despatch industries迪斯派奇工业公司,商迪斯派奇产业公司 同根词词根:despatchn.despatcher调度员;调度程序;油品分输器;调度程序分配器