An ATV, or all-terrain vehicle, is useful for people who drive on lots of different terrain, hence the name. Terrain is a noun used to talk about the ground, when you're specifically interested in how it appears or is shaped.
In times of war, you'll often hear the term “hostile terrain” used to describe a region with lots of mountains, vast stretches of desert, or impenetrable jungles. These are all areas of difficult terrain that are hard to pass. Much of humankind's history can be traced by its effort to alter the terrain. We've made mountains into meadows, rivers into lakes, and prairies into roads, all to make the terrain more livable for us. You could even go so far as to say that a person's psyche is mysterious terrain.
词根: terr
1. =earth,表示”土地”; 2. =frighten,可怕,恐惧; 3. =frighten,表示”恐,怕”
extraterrestrial [comeing from]地球外的, 宇宙的[outside the earth]extra外+terrestrial[adj.地球的,地球上的]→adj.[comeing from]地球外的, 宇宙的[outside the earth]
mediterranean 地中海的mediterranean而来→n.地中海 adj.地中海的
subterranean 地下的subterrane[n.下层; 洞穴, 地下室]+ean→adj.地下的
terrestrial 地球的,地球上的terr土地+estrial→adj.地球的,地球上的
territorial 领土的,土地的,地方的territory[n.领土;版图;领域,范围]+ial……的→territorial领土的
deterrent 威慑的,制止的deter[v.威慑,吓住]+ent……的→deterrent威慑的
terrible 很糟的;可怕的,骇人的;极度的,厉害的terr恐,怕+ible可..的→可怕的
terrific 极好的,非常的,极度的terr恐,怕+ific产生……的→带来可怕→好到让人可怕的地步→极好的
extraterritoriality 治外法权extra外+territorial[adj.领土的,土地的,地方的]+ity表名词→n.治外法权
mediterranean 地中海mediterranean而来→n.地中海 adj.地中海的
subterrane 下层; 洞穴, 地下室sub下面+terr土地+ane→n.下层; 洞穴, 地下室
terrace 平台,阳台,露台terr土地+ace→n.平台,阳台,露台
terrain 地势,地形terr土地+ain表名词→n.地势,地形
territory 领土;版图;领域,范围terr土地+it+ory场所,范围→地的范围,领土
determent 制止deter[v.威慑,吓住]+ment表名词→n.制止
terror 恐怖, 可怕的人, 恐怖时期, 恐怖行动terr恐,怕+or表名词→n.恐怖, 可怕的人, 恐怖时期, 恐怖行动
terrorist 恐怖分子terror恐怖+ist人→n.恐怖分子
disinter 挖出,掘土dis离,出+inter埋→v.挖出,掘土
inter 埋葬in进+ter=terr土地→v.埋葬
deter 威慑,吓住de去+ter=terr恐,怕→吓跑了,吓得不动了
terrify 使害怕,使惊恐terr恐,怕+ify使……→v.使害怕,使惊恐