A creature that lives off another organism is a parasite. The parasite might not hurt the host, but it doesn't do anything to help it, either.
If you call someone a parasite, you are really hurling an insult! The Ancient Greeks used the word parasitos to describe someone who ate at your table but never invited you back. Some telling synonyms include leech,” toady, sponge, and hanger-on.” Nice, huh? Some crafty birds, such as the cowbird or cuckoo, are called social parasites, laying their eggs in other birds' nests and expecting those mamas to raise their young for them. Unfortunately, there are some people like that, too.
前缀: para-
1. 表示”半,类似,辅助”; 2. 表示”降落伞”; 3. 表示”在旁边”
parallel 平行的;类似的;并联的para半,类似,辅助+all全部+el→全部都很类似→类似的→匹敌
paramilitary 准军事性的,起军事辅助作用的para半,类似,辅助+military军事的→准军事的
parapolitical 半政治的para半,类似,辅助+political政治的→adj.半政治的
parastatal 半官方的para半,类似,辅助+state国+al的→adj.半官方的
parabolic 抛物线[状]的para在旁边+bol抛+ic的→adj.抛物线[状]的
paranoid 偏执狂的,过份怀疑的para在旁边+noid=note注意→在旁边注意→怀疑的
paralegal 律师的助手para半,类似,辅助+legal法律的→辅助法律的
paramedic 护理人员para半,类似,辅助+medic医师,实习医生→n.护理人员
paraphrase 解释para半,类似,辅助+phrase措词→v.解释 n.解释
parachute 降落伞para降落伞+chut落下+e→n.降落伞
paradrop 空投,空降para降落伞+drop扔下→n.空投,空降
paratroops 伞兵部队, 空降部队para降落伞+troop部队+s→n.伞兵部队, 空降部队
paradigm 范例,示范para在旁边+digm显示→在旁边显示给[别人]→示范
paradox 矛盾的说法para在旁边+dox观点→观点边上有观点→矛盾
paragon 典范para在旁边+gon角→旁边顶尖人物→典范
paralogism 不合逻辑的推论para在旁边+log说话逻辑+ism现象,状态→在逻辑边上→不是逻辑
parasite 寄生虫,食客para旁边+sit坐+e→坐在在旁边[吃]→吃白食→寄生虫,食客
parallel 与…平行;匹敌para半,类似,辅助+all全部+el→全部都很类似→类似的→匹敌
paraphrase 解释para半,类似,辅助+phrase措词→v.解释 n.解释
paralyze 使瘫痪[麻痹];使丧失作用para在旁边+lyze分开→旁边分开→瘫痪
plant / bloodsucker / louse / bur / cestode
toady / lickspit / satellite / tufthunter / follower / spaniel / time-server / minion / bootlicker / leech / moocher / freeloader / courtier / attendant / lickspittle / dependent / crawler / jackal / flatterer / yesman / sponge / cringer / sycophant / lackey