If you can run for a really long time, or carry a heavy box a really long way, you have stamina. Stamina is staying power or enduring strength.
Stamina is not always related to physical strength and endurance. Solving a difficult puzzle or a complex problem requires your brain to work long and hard, something called mental stamina. If you have had a really tough year, but are doing generally fine, someone might say you have emotional stamina. It can also mean “perseverance.” Do you have the stamina to learn this word?
词根: stan
stagnant 不流动的,停滞的stagn=stan站,立+ant……的→站着不走,停滞的
standard 标准的stand确立+ard→n. 标准, 规格 adj.标准的
steadfast 固定的,稳定的,不断的stead=stand[v.站, 立, 站起]+fast→稳固的
circumstance 环境,境况circum周围+stance=stan站→站在周围→环境
distance 距离, 远离dis分开+stance=stan站,立→分开站着→有距离→距离
equidistance 等距离equi平等+distance[n.距离, 远离]→n.等距离
homestead 家园,家宅home家+stead=stand[v.站, 立, 站起]→站再家里的→处在家的→家园,家宅
instance 例子,事例,例证in内+stan站,立+ce→站在里面的东西,表示就在面前→例子
stamina 体力,耐力stam=stan站,立+ina→站下去→有耐力
standard 标准, 规格stand确立+ard→n. 标准, 规格 adj.标准的
standing 站立, 身分, 名望, 持续stand[v.站, 立, 站起]+ing状态→n.站立, 身分, 名望, 持续
standpoint 立场, 观点stand[v.站, 立, 站起]+point点→n.立场, 观点
substance 物质;实质,本质;主旨;财产,资产sub下面+stance=stan站,立→放在下面之物
stand 站, 立, 站起stan站,立+d→v.站, 立, 站起
standardize 使符合标准, 使标准化standard[n. 标准, 规格 adj.标准的]+ize表动词→v.使符合标准, 使标准化