A fiasco is a disaster. It's not a natural disaster — like an earthquake or a volcano; a fiasco is usually the result of human failure.
Fiasco comes from the Italian term that means “to make a bottle.” How it came to describe an utter, embarrassing, disaster in the English language is still unknown. Today, you'll hear fiasco used in situations that have gone so horribly awry that they are almost laughable, like the Thanksgiving dinner fiasco in which the turkey burnt to a crisp, the dog ate all the side dishes, and everyone had to eat frozen pizza instead.
后缀: -o
1. 表名词,”音乐术语”; 2. 表名词,”人,物或状态”
solo 单独的[地];独唱的[地]sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地]
solo 独奏sol单独+o音乐术语→n.独奏 adj.&adv.单独的[地];独唱的[地]
basso 低音部,低音歌手bass低音+o音乐术语→n.低音部,低音歌手
concerto 协奏曲concert音乐会+o音乐术语→n.协奏曲
crescendo [音乐]声音渐强cre增长+escend开始+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]声音渐强
diminuendo [音乐]渐弱di使+minu=min小+end+o音乐术语→n.[音乐]渐弱
oratorio 清唱剧orat说+ori+o音乐术语→n.清唱剧
piano 钢琴pian轻柔+o音乐术语→n.钢琴
soprano 女高音,最高者sopran高音,高声+o音乐术语→n.女高音,最高者
tango 探戈舞tang+o音乐术语→来自黑人的舞
bravo 亡命徒brave勇敢的+o人,物或状态→bravo亡命徒
dynamo 发电机dynam力量+o表名词→n.发电机
fiasco 大失败,惨败fiasc+o人,物或状态→意大利词,愿意为易碎的瓶子
fresco 壁画fresc=fresh新鲜的+o人,物或状态→指画在墙上的画鲜艳
gusto 爱好,兴致勃勃gust趣味+o人,物或状态→n.爱好,兴致勃勃
impresario [剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者impresari=impresar+o人,物或状态→n.[剧院或乐团等]经理人,主办者
maestro 音乐大师maestr=master大师+o人,物或状态→n.音乐大师
magnifico 贵族,高官,显要人物magnific庄严的,崇高的+o人,物或状态→n.贵族,高官,显要人物
manifesto 宣言,声明manifest显然的,明白的+o人,物或状态→n.宣言,声明
motto 座右铭,箴言mot动+o人,物或状态→motto→行动指南→座右铭,箴言
patio 庭院,平台pati=pat+o人,物或状态→n.庭院,平台
relievo 浮雕relieve浮现+o人,物或状态→relievo浮雕
tyro 新手tyr+o人,物或状态→来自拉丁文tiro,新手
volcano 火山volcan来自罗马神话中的火神Vulcan+o人,物或状态→n.火山