Renown is fame and acclaim — the kind of celebrity that most people only dream about. Renown is not only about celebrity, though; it also means being highly respected in one's field.
Actors, musicians, and artists practice their art, sometimes for many years, to gain the kind of renown, or fame, that will launch their faces onto the covers of magazines and make their name known in every household. Greta Garbo, Luciano Pavarotti, and Salvador Dali all became renowned in their respective fields. They won numerous awards, and who isn't familiar with their names? Even things or places can achieve renown if they offer something worth celebrating. An ice cream parlor can become renowned for its incredible mint chip ice cream, or a bank can be renowned for its excellent customer service.
- fame: 普通用词,含义广,一般指好名声,可大可小,可远可近。
- honour: 侧重指因高尚的举止,忠心或诚实而受到公众钦佩和崇敬,得到好名声和荣誉。
- reputation: 通常指熟悉某人或某地的人对该人、该地的看法,可好可坏。
- glory: 指因功绩卓著而获得的令人称颂的光荣或荣誉地位。
- renown: 指远近闻名的声誉。
reputation / honor / fame / distinction / glory / memory