devil n. 魔鬼 de 加强 + vil 卑劣 → 卑劣到极点 → 魔鬼 deviltry n. 恶行 de 加强 + vil 卑劣 + try → 卑劣的行为 → 恶行 evil n. 邪恶 e 加强 + vil 卑劣 → 十分卑劣 → 邪恶 revile v. 辱骂 re 一再 + vil 卑劣 + e → 一再做卑劣的事 → 辱骂〔别人〕 vile adj. 卑鄙的 vilify v. 诽谤 vil 卑劣 + ify 使… → 使别人成为卑劣的人 → 诽谤 villain n. 坏蛋,恶棍 vill〔= vil〕卑劣 + ain 表人 → 坏蛋,恶棍
Surely only an evil person could be so vile as to have made you so angry. Vile is something or someone so morally wrong or offensive as to be thoroughly disgusting.
Are you appalled by someone’s sordid, despicable, ugly and just generally awful behavior? Then it’s probably vile, too. One of those dramatic adjectives with many synonyms, the word vile is not only used to describe a person or an action that is morally reprehensible; it can describe a smell that is so bad as to be practically morally reprehensible — or something else that offends your senses enough to make you nauseous. Those three month old dirty gym socks? They’re vile!
词根: vil
vile 可恨的,可耻的vil卑劣+e→adj.可恨的,可耻的
villain 坏蛋vill=vil卑劣+ain人→n.坏蛋
revile 辱骂,恶言相问re一再+vil卑劣+e→一再使别人感到卑劣
vilify 辱骂,诽谤vil卑劣+ify表动词→做卑劣的事→毁谤
terrible / wretched / bad / abominable / detestable / foul / obnoxious / dreadful / deplorable / odious / despicable / disgusting / contemptible / horrible / base
abusive / accursed / foul / rotten / odious / detestable / criminal / dreadful / worthless / cursed / contemptible / filthy / terrible / ghastly / inexpiable / despicable / hateful / disgusting / outrageous / horrible / wicked / abominable / atrocious / frightful / deplorable / vicious / nasty / obnoxious / bad / wretched / base / black