直布罗陀海峡是连接地中海和大西洋的咽喉要道,自古以来一直是兵家必争之地。公园711年,信奉伊斯兰教的北非摩尔人渡过直布罗陀海峡,大举进犯欧洲,击败当时位于西班牙的西哥特王国后继续向法国进军。被当时法兰克共相“铁锤查理”击败后,摩尔人在西班牙地区盘踞了七个多世纪,将伊斯兰文化传播至欧洲。摩尔人军队渡过直布罗陀海峡后,一位名叫Tarif Ben Malluk的将军攻占了海峡北边的一座小镇并在此修建城堡,这座小镇因而得名Tarifa。Tarifa距离海峡仅21英里,地势险要,易守难攻,摩尔人以此为据点控制了直布罗陀海峡,并向经过直布罗陀海峡的来往商船索要买路费,其金额与商船上所在货物价值总额成比例,这就是关税的由来,而表示关税的英语单词tariff就来自城市Tarifa的名字。
A tariff is a kind of tax on goods a country imports or exports. If you want to buy a European-made car in the U.S., the price will include tariffs the government adds to the price of imported vehicles.
Usually a government imposes a tariff to encourage its own industries and to discourage buying cheaper imports from other countries. If a government wants to protect its own clothing industry, it may add a tariff to imported clothing, to make sure that the imported clothes aren't cheaper than the locally manufactured items. You can control exports, too, by imposing tariffs. As a verb, you can say “the government tariffs certain imports and exports.”
rate charge fee rent dues toll rental tariff These are all words for an amount of money that is charged or paid for sth. 以上各词均指所收取或付出的费用。 rate a fixed amount of money that is asked or paid for sth 指所索取或付出的价格、费用: a low hourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低报酬 interest rates 利率 charge an amount of money that is asked for goods or services 指商品或服务的要价、收费: an admission charge 入场费 fee ( rather formal ) an amount of money that you have to pay for professional advice or services, to go to a school or college, or to join an organization 指专业服务费、咨询费、学费、会费: legal fees 诉讼费 an annual membership fee 年度会员费 rent an amount of money that you regularly have to pay for use of a building or room 指房屋租金。 注释 In American English, rent can be used to mean rental . 在美国英语中,rent可用以表示rental(租金): The weekly rent on the car was over $200. 这辆汽车每周的租金是200多元。 dues an amount of money that you have to pay so that you can be a member of an organization 指应缴会员费 toll an amount of money that you have to pay to use a particular road or bridge 指道路、桥梁的通行费 rental an amount of money that you have to pay to use sth for a particular period of time 指租金 用rent还是rental? In British English rent is only money paid to use a building or room: for other items use rental . In American English rent can be used for both, but rental is still more common for other items. 在英国英语中,rent只指房屋租金,其他物品的租金用rental。在美国英语中,rent可指以上两种租金,但指其他物品的租金,rental仍然较通用。 tariff ( rather formal ) a list of fixed prices that are charged by a hotel or restaurant for rooms or meals, or by a company for a particular service 指旅馆、餐馆或公司的服务价目表、收费表 常用搭配 to pay (a) rate / charge / fee / rent / dues / toll / rental for / on sth to do sth at a rate / charge / fee / rent / rental of… to do sth for