Iron can refer to a common metal. It can also be that thing you use to get wrinkles out of your clothing. If you’re planning to wear linen, you might need an iron to smooth it out.
When you use an iron to iron your clothes, you’re also using both the noun and verb form of iron. The noun describes the appliance and the verb describes the action of using it. Iron can also refer to a golf club, like that 5-iron you always use. If you’ve ever been a cattle rancher, you might also be familiar with a branding iron, a tool used to brand skin with a mark of ownership.
cast iron铸铁,生铁,锻铁
iron ore铁矿石;铁矿砂
iron and steel industry钢铁工业
strong / vigorous / determined / robust / invincible / powerful / unyielding / stalwart / resolved / decided / hard / heroic / mighty / firm
obdurate / ironclad / adamantine / harsh / obstinate / merciless / stubborn / unbending / unfeeling / severe / grim / steel / rigid / stern / inexorable / cruel / stony / tough / inflexible
ferrous / ironlike / ferric / chalybeate / ferruginous